Current Topsail Island Beach Conditions

How to Use Our Topsail Island Forecast Tools

If you’re looking for Topsail Island weather details, or interested in seeing the current water temperature at Topsail Beach see the detailed beach forecast below.

This information is always up to date using recorded information made available from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and displayed here on Topsail Guide through a service called Swell Info.

If you’re quickly looking to see what the current ocean temperature in Surf City is, look for the water droplet icon and corresponding temperature (shown in Fahrenheit) on the right side of the forecast.

Current Water Temperature & Tides

Topsail Island Beach & Pier Webcams

The following webcams are accessible for you and organized by region within the Topsail Island area. When clicked, you’ll get a view of the specific location to open in a new browser window.

North Topsail Beach Webcams

If you’re looking to access the Seaview Pier in North Topsail Beach, or the surrounding beach area adjacent to the pier, the following webcam will show you current conditions. When clicked, a new browser window will open.

Surf City Webcams

If you’re heading out to the Surf City area, or just accessing Topsail Island by traveling over the Surf City Bridge, the following webcams will provide you with live conditions, crowds, and traffic.

Topsail Beach Webcams

One of the best views of current beach conditions for the beaches along the Town of Topsail Beach can be seen through the link below.

Intracoastal Waterway Webcams

The following webcam shows a live look at water conditions and boat traffic along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW) as shown from the Sloop Point Marina located in Hampstead, North Carolina.

Monthly Average Water Temperatures

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climate Center in Asheville, NC provides the following monthly temperature data for the area’s ocean temperatures.

Month Average Ocean Temp.
January 49º Fahrenheit
February 50º Fahrenheit
March 55º Fahrenheit
April 63º Fahrenheit
May 72º Fahrenheit
June 79º Fahrenheit
July 82º Fahrenheit
August 82º Fahrenheit
September 79º Fahrenheit
October 71º Fahrenheit
November 60º Fahrenheit
December 51º Fahrenheit